Feb 4, 2016

Linx released

This release contains changes to the UI, an Output window, Search, Find References, improved logging and numerous smaller changes.

Output window


Find References

Release notes
  • Fix SetValue exception when setting compiled type.
  • Fix LinxServer comment file exception when upgrading format.
  • Fix read license file and installation file without locking.
  • Fix display applicable icon for launch editor.
  • Fix close file stream when checking for Linx 4 solution.
  • Throw error for invalid conversions in JSON Expression, e.g. "Five" to int.
  • Throw error for invalid conversions in XML Expression, e.g. "Five" to int.
  • Allow exception to bubble up if call in event fails.
  • Fix deployment of solution with special characters (e.g. &) in name.
  • Do not overwrite NLog configuration if loaded from config.
  • Improve Linx Server logging.
  • Add Search.
  • Fix drop-down nullable-typed properties.
  • Add logging for AddToList.
  • Make server usernames case-insensitive.
  • Do not allow empty username or password.
  • Add Find References.
  • Add logging for AddToList.
  • Add logging for ClearList.
  • Add logging for ForEach.
  • Add logging for SetValue.
  • Add logging for ThrowException.
  • Add logging for DoWhile.
  • Add logging for IfElse.
  • Add logging for TryCatch.
  • Add logging for RunProcess.
  • Fix scroll bar color.
  • Fix debug value bug for expanded children with same name.
  • Redraw flow diagram after specified delay.
  • Changed Debug related analytics.
  • Fix right-click below last instance shows incorrect menu.
  • Fix SetValue dropdown after selecting StringBuilder type.
  • Add Output window.
  • Fix dropdown option tree style.
  • Fix resource selector dropdown style.
  • Update plugin to 12.0.0.
  • Update icons for AddToList and ClearList.
  • Change tab order: Process Input and Output Fields editor.
  • Change tab order: CustomType.Value Set Fields editor.
  • Change tab order: CustomType Edit Fields editor.
  • Change CustomType tab order.
  • Throw detailed exception when plugins can't update.
  • Requery update information for plugins after application update.
  • Fix only copy settings file on rollback if it exists.
  • Fix cannot uninstall deprecated plugins.
  • Update welcome screen.
  • Debug window layout saved.
  • Change Designer tabs.
  • Replace window dock menu with float/dock toggle.
  • Fix AddToList not picking up list changes. 
  • Make properties in JSON and XML case-insensitive.
  • Fix SolutionHost failing after Service exception.

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